International Economics and Monetary Policy @ Prof. Xavier

Deliverable length:200-400 words


No running head of formatting required, just references.


Choose a developing country, and discuss its economic growth in the last 2–3 years. Include the following information:

  • Identify its growth in output per capita and in population growth.
  • Is it an open or closed economy?
  • Identify its comparative advantage and whether it is involved in trade.
  • Identify the country’s type of economy—how its economy is a market, command, or mixed economy.
  • Is the country’s foreign exchange overvalued or undervalued? Has the central bank intervened in the foreign exchange market on behalf of the country’s currency valuation?
  • Using the information you gathered, discuss whether you believe the country is on a good course of economic growth and whether the macroeconomic policies are helping achieve this growth.
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