Evaluate the impact of the Pequot War on either the Europeans or Natives.This is what you will be doing in your final paper! First, however, you must decide what will be the focus of your paper.

Evaluate the impact of the Pequot War on either the Europeans or Natives.This is what you will be doing in your final paper! First, however, you must decide what will be the focus of your paper.

All historians have areas of interest that they choose to study. This is what you will be doing in your final paper! First, however, you must decide what will be the focus of your paper.

In this activity, you will be exploring your chosen topic and then narrowing your focus. Finally, you will begin thinking about your sources and how they might connect to your paper.

Answering these questions below is the first step in writing your final paper!

Step 1: Select your topic and focus question! Read the topics from the list on page 2 of this document and choose the topic and focus that interests you. Fill out the box below.

What’s your topic and focus question?


Focus Question:

Step 2: In 50 words or more, state why you chose the topic and focus question that you chose. It could be how the topic is of interest to you and that you have studied it previously, or it could be a subject that you want to learn more about something of which you do not have knowledge.

Step 3: List the two primary source and two secondary sources that you have chosen in the boxes below.

Source Type Source Name
Primary Source #1
Primary Source #2
Secondary Source #1
Secondary Source #2

Step 4: In 50 words or more, describe your initial thoughts about how your sources relate to your chosen topic and focus. Make sure to provide specific examples from each of the four sources that illustrate how they will help you answer your focus question. This will help you begin to think about the form of your paper!

Topic instructions: Select a topic from this list. Once you have done this, select your specific focus and sources from the next list.

This Land is My Land
Revolutionary Ideas
The New Nation
Going Underground
All Men Are Created Equal
In Her Place
Splitting Up
Fighting for Peace

Focus and source instructions: Now that you have your topic, select your desired focus option. Then, it will list the sources that can be used for this topic. Choose two primary and two secondary sources. Think about your choices and then fill out the worksheet on page 1!

This Land is My Land

Focus Question: Analyze the major causes of the tensions between the Native Americans and the European colonists in the 16th-18th centuries.
Primary Sources:

Lion Gardener, “Relation of the Pequot Warres”, 1660
John Mason’s “Brief History of the Pequot War”
Indian Complaints about English Settlers, 1675
Edward Randolph’s Report of King Philip’s War, 1675
Secondary Sources:

Philip Ranlet, “Another Look at the Causes of the King Philip’s War”
Alden T. Vaughan, “Pequots and Puritans: The Causes of the War of 1637”
James Drake, “Restraining Atrocity: The Conduct of King Philip’s War”

Focus Question: Evaluate the impact of the Pequot War on either the Europeans or Natives.
Primary Sources:

Indian Complaints about English Settlers, 1675
Edward Randolph’s Report of King Philip’s War, 1675


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The post Evaluate the impact of the Pequot War on either the Europeans or Natives.This is what you will be doing in your final paper! First, however, you must decide what will be the focus of your paper. appeared first on nursing term paper.

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