Ethnography Assignment Sheet

Question description

    • An ethnography is a specific discussion & description of cultural practices.Because this course was designed as a prerequisite into OC’s nursing program, along with other health science and service programs, the capstone assignment for module three is designed to fulfill the last stage in becoming culturally competent: acquiring knowledge about other cultures. While it is not possible in the span of just eight weeks to learn everything about every culture an individual is likely to encounter, it is possible to lay out the sorts of things one must understand about another culture in order to understand the people within that culture.Larry Purnell is a nurse educator who developed a system for breaking down cultures into twelve different domains after having spent time as an educator in a hospital setting trying to help young nurses understand how to care for patients coming from cultures different than theirs with values, beliefs, and behaviors different from theirs. The purpose of this ethnographic assignment is not to teach every student about every culture but rather to give a student the basis for understanding the many different areas in another person’s culture, which may influence that person to act in ways that seem strange to us.Purnell’s system can be adapted for students who are not health-related majors. For an education major, for example, the teacher can replace the health practices and health practitioner domains by asking the student to research the culture’s attitude about education and the barriers within that culture that might affect a student’s success in educationYou will create an ethnography about an assigned culture using Purnell’s domains & Hofstede’s dimensions (see the Lectures & Materials folder) to
    • Typed –Times New Roman, size 12
    • Spacing – double-spaced between sections, but single-spaced is allowed within the paragraphs
    • Complete sentences in paragraphs, with some bulleted material as appropriate
    • Edited for clarity & grammatical correctness
    • Properly formatted citations in either APA or MLA format both in-text & in a reference/Work Cited page at the end of the document.
      • Minimum of FIVE sources (Wikipedia is NOT allowed).

    Assignment – create an ethnography/cultural report over an assigned culture based on a set list of common criteria to get a greater sense of understanding about how this information affects cultural relations & why people in public relations (such as medical fields) should be familiar with it. You will create this ethnography using five of Purnell’s domains & 1 of Hofstede’s dimensions.Criteria to Choose From: create your ethnography from the following:

    • Purnell’s Cultural Domains List
      • You will select five domains from Purnell’s list to cover in your ethnography
      • One of the domains chosen MUST be either Health Care Practices OR Health Care Practitioners; the other four are your choice.
      • You may NOT choose the first domain (Heritage/overview) as it is already being used in the Intro of your ethnography.
    • Hofstede’s Dimensions
      • You will select 1 of Hofstede’s dimensions to focus on in your Ethnography.
  • Guatemalan

Assignment Format:

  • Typed –Times New Roman, size 12
  • Spacing – double-spaced between sections, but single-spaced is allowed within the paragraphs
  • Complete sentences in paragraphs, with some bulleted material as appropriate
  • Edited for clarity & grammatical correctness
  • Properly formatted citations in either APA or MLA format both in-text & in a reference/Work Cited page at the end of the document.
    • Minimum of FIVE sources (Wikipedia is NOT allowed).

Assignment – create an ethnography/cultural report over an assigned culture based on a set list of common criteria to get a greater sense of understanding about how this information affects cultural relations & why people in public relations (such as medical fields) should be familiar with it. You will create this ethnography using five of Purnell’s domains & 1 of Hofstede’s dimensions (see pg 2 for more details).

Required Sections of Ethnography:

  • Introduction of the work as a whole (roughly 200-300 words) in which you explain what cultural humility is, along with a brief overview & identification of the assigned culture & it’s heritage (see Purnell’s first domain for a guideline as to what material to include here).
  • Presentation of Criteria – tell which domains & dimensions (see pg2 for more detail) you have chosen for the Ethnography & present a brief discussion of why these items are important and relevant to healthcare/other professionals using paragraphs/complete sentences & bulleted points as necessary.
  • Domains/Dimensions – write a brief summary (1-3 sentences) of each domain & dimension, explaining what it is, what it covers, & how it impacts cultural understanding. Then, using paragraphs/complete sentences & bulleted points as necessary, offer examples of each domain & dimension as they appear in your assigned culture.
    • Cite where your information is gathered from, using either MLA or APA style (be consistent, please).
    • Cite the information in-text as you use it & then cite the source again at the end of the document in a properly formatted citations page.
  • Top 10 List – a list of the Top 10 suggestions you would offer healthcare or other professionals on how to have the best interactions with members of your assigned culture.
    • This material may have some repetition from earlier discussions of domains & dimensions.
  • Conclusion of the work as a whole (roughly 250-350 words) in which you offer a final wrap up of your findings, including a discussion of why cultural humility matters in regards to dealing with not just your assigned culture, but all cultures.
  • References – a reference page in which all citations for the entire project are listed, formatted correctly in either APA or MLA style.
    • Use the SuperSearch on the OC Library website for help with sources.
    • Wikipedia should not be on your sources list; find credible, trustworthy sources.

Criteria to Choose From: create your ethnography from the following:

  • Purnell’s Cultural Domains List
  • Hofstede’s Dimensions
    • You will select 1 of Hofstede’s dimensions to focus on in your Ethnography.
  • Please read the materials & assignment sheet thoroughly.
  • Please read/look at the example ethnography given in the assignment folder in Module 3.

Grading: The grade for this final project will be divided into 2 sections. The entire project is worth 25% of your semester grade. You will be graded on:

  • Wiki/Report Materials (20%) – the thoroughness and complexity of your gathered material, as well as how well you fulfilled the assignment requirements.
  • Details (5%) – the nit-picky details that affect understanding (spelling, grammatical issues), readability (flow of the material, sentence structure, etc.), & credibility (types of source used, ways sources are listed, etc).


Use OWL at Purdue website for help with citation format/sty

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