CIS 115 homework



Complete the following program exercises.  When you have completed the following exercises, compress the program folder and submit the .zip file.  These are all separate exercise, so you will have a separate file for each exercise.


Exercises from 5.1


Determine the output displayed when the button is clicked


Problem One:


Private Sub btnConvert_Click(…) Handles btnConvert.Click

     ‘Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit

     Dim temp As Double = 95

     txtOutput,Text = CStr (CtoF (temp) )

End Sub

Function CtoF (ByVal t As Double) As Double

     Return ( (9 / 5) * t) + 32

End Function


Problem Two:


Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(…) Handles btnDisplay.Click

     ‘Rule of 72

     Dim p As Double

     p = CDbl (txtPopGr.Text) ‘Population growth as a percent

     txtOutput.Text = “The population will double in “ &

                             DoubleTime(p) & “ years.”

End Sub


Function DoublingTime(ByVal x As Double) As Double

     ‘Number of cars that can be parked

     Return 100 * x

End Function


Problem Three:


Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(…) Handles btnDisplay.Click

     Dim d As Date = #12/4/2011#

     txtOutput.Text = MonthAbbr(d)

End Sub


Funcion MonthAbbr(ByVal d As Date) As String

     Dim str As String = FormatDateTime(d, DateFormat.LongDate)

     Dim n As Integer = str.IndexOf(“ “)

     Return str.Substring(n + 1, 3)

End Function


Exercises from 5.2


Write a program that displays the output shown in a list box.  The last two lines of the output should be displayed by one or more Sub procedures using data passed by variables from an event procedure.


Problem One:


Assume that the following is displayed.


According to a 2008 survey of college freshman taken by the Higher

Education Research Institute:

16.7 percent said they intend to major in business.

1 percent said they intend to major in computer science.


Problem Two:


Assume that the label for txtBox reads “What is your favorite number?”, and the user types 7 into txtBox before btnDisplay is clicked.


The sum of your favorite number with itself is 14.

The product of your favorite number with itself is 49.


Problem Three:


Assume that the current date is 12/31/2010, the label for txtBox reads “What is your date of birth?”, and the user enters 2/3/1984 into txtBox before btnDisplay is clicked.


You are now 26 years old.


You have lived for 9824 days.

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